Feb 19, 2022


How to start and grow a successful company

Tips and strategies on how to build the next multinational:

  1. Solve a problem for a lot of people👥
  2. 2.Don’t be technology-focused. Be problem-focused👨🏾‍🔧
  3. 3. Choose your customers wisely (Create a customer avatar and buy persona)🤠
  4. 4.Avoid the beginner’s dilemma ❌
  5. 5.Make something shitty and then improve it✅
  6. 6.Get out of your own way or get help👀
  7. 7.Consider distribution as a differentiator 🚀
  8. 8. Have empathy for your users ❤️
  9. 9. Learn how to sell🗣
  10. 10. Set unrealistic expectations and work towards them🕺🏾
  11. 11. Learn that users are more than data points📊
  12. 12. Be yourself in bold ways😇
  13. 13. Put yourself in the path of luck to maximize success✨

Read the full article 👇🏾




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